One Good Take

Kim Yew - documentary filmmaker and trader with 100% win rate

Nicholas Penrake

So you know about Ukraine, you know about Gaza, but did you know there’s an even bigger war raging in Africa? At least in terms of death toll. i'm referring to the war in the Congo. Even though millions have died and many thousands are still dying, it’s a conflict that's hardly reported. 

My guest for this episode is a man who set out to make a film about what’s been going on, and in so doing put an assassin’s mark on his back. 

Kim Yew, filmmaker and trader, talks to me about film and his absolutely extraordinary win rate trading with a proprietary fibonacci tool and a strategy he learnt from Alla Peters-Plocher.


Boost your performance levels in front of your charts

I was looking for a way to boost my energy levels, without resorting to more coffee, tea or snacks, when I came across Magic Mind

This unique energy drink comes in these handy, little bottles and works like a shot. You knock it back in a gulp or two and it boosts your energy for the next few hours without any of the usual downside of coffee or tea. 

Nice taste, too. Close to passion fruit, but not at all sweet.

I tend to have my usual coffee in the morning then take one of these little Magic Mind bottles around midday - to carry me through the afternoon session.

 Grab your Magic Mind discount and help this podcast while you're at it

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Give it a go!

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